Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Youth Development For Future stars

Barcelona and arsenal known to be one of the best teams in the world when it comes to scouting young raw talent. they have the best scout team being able to see talent at a young age,even at a tender age of 9 years or even 7. they are so precise when it comes to selecting what and who they want for their clubs.In 200 players the arsenal scouts will probably take 10 players or even less and that's how they really want and get the best players in the world. Coming back to Africa and mainly south Africa we need to have such where we can scout for the best talent so that we can have the best players in the world also. The Europeans believe that the young the better it is to teach them and so for South Africa to have the best talent it should be searched for at a young tender age. if we want future stars than let's have the best development clubs where players and young men will be made and be responsible people that children will look up too as their role models.

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